Thursday 6 April 2017

The Little Things

Lots of nice little things keep happening to me recently. They keep brightening my day and giving me the feel good factor. Such as yesterday I found a ring of keys on the pavement when I went grocery shopping. I visited the nearest store Red Apple and asked where the best place to hand it in would be or if they could keep them. The keys seemed pretty important with x2 car keys and x3 house keys. They told me the Post Office can deal with lost and found so I immediately went over the deposit the keys.

Upon arriving at the post office and asking the desk girls about the keys an elderly gentlemen interrupts me from behind exclaiming that the keys belong to him! He was over the moon and invited me outside, he then proceeded to gift me $10 toward my groceries and chatted to me on the way their. Retired elderly german who is excited for the gold season to start and told me 'the world needs more people like you!'

Later that evening I had volunteered to work activities again with the visiting school groups. So I had to catch the last bus down the hill at 10:20pm. I always like having a chat with the bus drivers who are all nice people and we see regularly through the free shuttle service. Turns out Kass was working that evening, a kind middle aged women - who I sang happy birthday to earlier in the season when one of the other bus drivers wished her a happy birthday off hand. It may have been just me singing but she liked it. I was reminiscing about this on the ride home and decided it was about time she knew who I was. As I got up to exit the vehicle I draw in breathe to tell her, but before I can she turns around with an outstretched hand - "sorry for asking so late in the season, but what's your name?" It was such a funny conincidence we had a good chuckle about it. After an amicable little chat she said "it will be one of the few names I will remember from this season, you're such a polite young man and I wish you happy adventures." That really made my night, and left me beaming till I got home.

Otherwise the past couple of days have been ordinary(days off to tidy and sort summer antics) except Monday: worked 8am to 3pm then 6pm to 9pm with ski school and activities. Ski school was super fun as I was on snowbirds (1 hour lessons for 3-5 year olds.) I had a brother (4y/o) and sister (5y/o) combo. Both adorable and bubbly little ones who just wanted to learn how to ski - I've never had such good listeners! Apparently they had an unsuccessful day yesterday with their dad. It ended in tears. So I was their only hope! Lucky for them I was on fire that day. Excellent role playing: pancake delivery service for the dinosaurs we use in the obstacle course. Excellent obstacle course builder: proactively changing the course to test the sisters ability and trick her into using the correct technique. Excellent progress and enjoyment: so much so that the kiddies demanded extra lesson but 'only if they got Zak.' Mummy and Grandma were impressed and proud of them - they practically hired me out for the day! I had a great time and put my heart and soul into those ski lessons. It was a tincey but crushing by the absence of tips. But, I felt really great about that day.

Today I finally completed my medical form for camp. I was so freaking out about the cost - I was quoted $150! When I got there they charged me $185!! *faint* but it needed to be done. They were very nice and got all my forms filled out for me apart from the doctors signiture. For that I needed to strip down change into a gown and wait to see him! I looked like I had just escaped the insane asylum. Turns out it was super basic and the good fellow that was the doctor got them to change my fee by -100$, thank the lord. I found out I am not a stressed person (SHOCK) and have fantastic eye sight... I'm not even crazy!

Working tomorrow and into next week. Nothing big to report apart form the imminent departure of my housemates / closest friends. By this time next week it will just be me left! Now THAT will be crazy..

Level 2 snowboard crew!

Level 2 celebration!

Love to all my familly xxxx and until next time.. bye!

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