Saturday, 3 December 2016


Throughout our training so far we have been ironing out the kinks in our riding and learning the new techniques and ways of riding that compliment the Canadian way of teaching. It's all about chasing the good feelings, pushing against your boots, the rhythmic carving turns and most importantly having a mobile central positsion. These are all key terms I have to become familiar with for my exam in 2weeks time!

So we have just been cruising down the slopes, dodging ski teams and improving our riding. I even got the go pro out! The video isn't great because I had the angle all wrong, but some nice screen shots:

Yesterday we did loads of drills with only one foot attached to the board! It's how we start to teach beginners but that is so different to my beginner experience! It was actually quite fun and surprisingly challenging to do- I'm so used to having both feet in.

Today was especially good. We practised flat 360 spins, going down the mountain spinning which I so fun. And then we played 'Top Gun' where you pair up and have to follow each other down the mountain like fighter pilots, mimicking your partners path. It's great to see how other people ride and pick up on things they do that you can imitate. For example my partner is very good and changing his edge early in the turn so I had to copy him and do the same. I promise it's more fun than it sounds!

It was snowing all day today and is forecast to stay the same over the weekend so come Tuesday after our trip to Crambrook on Monday - we should have more slopes to go down with our those gods damn lunatics that call themselves downhill national ski teams.

Love to all my familly xxx see you tomorrow! 

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